Side effects of Wegovy: What they are and how to manage

Wegovy side effects can range in severity. We share our advice on what you can do to manage these side effects as best as possible.
Habitual Team
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Quick summary

When taking Wegovy, you may experience one or many common side effects as a result of the medication. These will range in severity from person to person (and some people won't have them at all!), so it's hard to know what your experience will be, but it's worth knowing the common side effects of Wegovy before starting to take the medication.

The good news is that, while you may not be able to control whether or not you experience Wegovy’s side effects, there are a number of ways that you can manage them. Here, we outline the common side effects of Wegovy as well as our recommendations for managing them to ensure you have a positive experience on your weight loss journey.

Common side effects of Wegovy

Before we dive into advice on how to manage the side effects of Wegovy, let’s first recap the common side effects you might experience. The most common side effects of Wegovy are [1]:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Tiredness/fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling bloated
  • Belching
  • Gas
  • Stomach flu
  • Heartburn
  • Stomach/abdomen pain
  • Runny nose/sore throat

All of the above are fairly common when it comes to taking GLP-1 medications such as Wegovy. In a large trial studying weight loss outcomes for Wegovy, only 7% of participants taking Wegovy discontinued use of the medication due to adverse events (versus 3% of the placebo group)—even though nearly 90% of participants experienced at least one adverse event. If you are experiencing persistent or severe side effects, or the side effects are bothering you, it's important to speak to a healthcare professional.

Side effects do tend to increase around dose escalation, and subside within a couple of days. If they haven't improved, it may be worth speaking to a healthcare professional. There are some things you can do, however, to manage or improve the side effects of Wegovy, including the following.

Keep well hydrated

Water is one of those marvellous things when it comes to addressing any number of ailments, and this is particularly true when it comes to managing side effects of Wegovy. Symptoms like nausea, headaches, and dizziness, or even more uncomfortable side effects like diarrhoea and constipation, are all often a side effect of being dehydrated, and can all be alleviated by drinking more water. 

Try bringing a large bottle with you wherever you go to ensure you’ve always got the opportunity to hydrate yourself should you feel any side effects coming on. Foods that contain lots of water—like soup—can also be helpful for if you are feeling nauseous but don’t want to skip a meal.

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Eat high fibre foods

Fibrous foods are particularly helpful for gastrointestinal problems, particularly constipation. Ensuring your diet is packed full of plenty of fruit and vegetables is not only a great habit to have, but can also help to overcome constipation associated with taking Wegovy. If it's particularly bad, you may want to consider a fibre supplement such as Fybogel.

Eat bland foods

Foods that are packed full of seasoning—or worse, very spicy—may exacerbate nausea, constipation, and diarrhoea. If you are experienced these side effects, instead stick to blander foods that may be easier to eat and digest without making you feel ill. Think plain toast, unseasoned chicken breast, and so on. Some Habitual patients choose our shakes & soups, which are nutritionally complete and tasty, but not overly flavoured.

Eat more slowly 

Consuming your food at a more leisurely pace is key to managing side effects like nausea, constipation, and diarrhoea. Chew your food slowly, take pauses in your meal, and drink plenty of water throughout. Remember, Wegovy increases the sensation of feeling full, so you are likely to sate your appetite on smaller portions than you are used to. By eating slowly you reduce the risk of overeating, and the side effects that may result.

Know which foods to avoid

Just as you should know which sorts of foods will make you feel better, or at least are easier to consume when feeling nauseous, you should know which foods are likely to worsen the side effects of Wegovy. 

There are a number of foods/drinks that will cause your blood sugar to spike, thus potentially giving you hyperglycemia. These include excessively sugary foods, simple carbohydrates, and ultra-processed foods. 

Certain foods may also exacerbate gastrointestinal problems. Greasy foods, for instance, will likely contribute to feelings of nausea and constipation, while high caffeinated drinks (like coffee, fizzy drinks, etc) make your digestive system move faster and can worsen diarrhoea. 

Get plenty of fresh air

It sounds simple, but fresh air can often be the best antidote to nausea. If you are ever feeling sick or dizzy from your medication, or after you’ve eaten, try and get outside for a walk. It can do wonders for helping you manage the side effects you may be experiencing.

And if the side effects persist or get worse…

…you should get in touch with a doctor or health professional. They’ll be able to assess the risk of the side effects, and ultimately if it's in your best interest to stay on the medication. If you are prescribed Wegovy through Habitual, the licensed prescribers we work with can advise as to whether you need to be concerned with the side effects you're experiencing.


[1] Wegovy: Side Effects,, retrieved March 7th 2024. Accessible here

[2] Wilding, J.P.H., Batterham, R.L., Calanna, et al.  STEP 1 Study Group (2021). Once-Weekly Semaglutide in Adults with Overweight or Obesity. The New England Journal of Medicine, [online] 384(11), pp.989–1002. doi:

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