How to get rid of apron belly

Learn more about apron belly, its causes, and what you can do to prevent it.
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Quick summary

According to a recent study, 1 in 5 adults in the UK feel ashamed of their body. [1] Though there are many different reasons for this, one of the biggest triggers for body image issues is an individual's weight or body shape.

For example, while bodies come in all shapes and sizes, many individuals deal with low self-esteem due to the way they carry weight around their stomachs, which is often referred to as an apron belly.

What is an apron belly?

When an individual has an apron belly, it means that their lower stomach area appears to hang over the pubic area. This is also known as the pannus stomach or, in some cases, a mother's apron, though it can affect both men and women. Both excess skin and the build-up of visceral fat in this region can cause the appearance of an apron belly.

What are the causes of apron belly?

There are many different reasons why an individual may develop an apron belly. This includes:

  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, an individual's abdominal muscles and skin stretch to accommodate the growing baby, often resulting in stretch marks and/or an apron belly.
  • Weight Loss. According to a recent study, around 90% of individuals who have undergone rapid weight loss report struggling with excess skin after the fact. [2] This can often contribute to the appearance of an apron belly.
  • Repeated weight loss and weight gain. Repeated weight loss and weight gain can also cause apron belly. This is because weight gain will stretch the skin, resulting in additional excess skin each time the individual loses weight. Weight gain can also lead to the build-up of visceral fat.
  • Hormonal Changes. Hormonal changes can also be part of the underlying cause behind apron belly. For example, this is something that many women tend to deal with when going through menopause, as a decrease in estrogen levels can change the way your body stores fat.
  • Ageing. As we age, our body composition changes. This often means that our body fat increases while lean mass decreases. As such, this can sometimes be a trigger for the development of an apron belly. [3] Our skin also loses elasticity as we age, meaning excess skin becomes more common.

Are there any health risks associated with apron belly?

As with any form of weight gain, there are numerous health risks associated with having an apron belly that extend beyond the impact this can have on confidence or self-esteem. For example, the build-up of visceral fat can increase your chances of dealing with [4]:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Asthma
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Breast Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer

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How can you reduce your apron belly?

Fortunately, there are many different steps that you can take to reduce the appearance of an apron belly. This also gives you ample opportunity to better your health by preventing some of the conditons outlined above.

Below are some options you may wish to consider trying out.

Healthy weight loss.

While it is worth noting that you cannot 'spot target' a specific body region when it comes to losing weight, weight loss is one of the most recommended courses of action for those dealing with apron belly.

This is because it can help break down the accumulation of visceral fat throughout the body, including the fat stored around your abdomen/stomach.

There are many different ways in which you can facilitate healthy, sustainable weight loss. This includes making adjustments to your diet and exercising more frequently. However, many overweight or obese individuals struggle to lose weight through these actions alone.

Alternative options include surgical interventions, such as bariatric surgery, or the use of weight loss medications, such as Wegovy and Mounjaro.

Wegovy contains a compound known as semaglutide, which has been clinically proven to facilitate weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing hunger. While the best results are achieved by those who make lifestyle adjustments, patients typically lose 14.9% of their body weight over 86 weeks on Wegovy. In additon, a recent study found that semaglutide is particuarly beneficial when it comes to reducing visceral fat mass, which is a key cause of apron belly. [5]

Mounjaro functions similarly to Wegovy, though it contains a different compound known as tirzepatide. This weight loss aid is clinically proven to result in 20.9% average weight loss over 72 weeks.

Both medications are administered through weekly injections and are available through the NHS or a private prescription.

Regular exercise.

As mentioned above, regular exercise can help reduce the appearance of an apron belly because it often aids weight loss. Improving your core strength, such as by participating in weight training, could also help in this regard. This is because it can help to tighten the muscles surrounding your stomach and abdomen.

Changing your diet.

Changing your diet can also help to reduce fat around the stomach and abdomen. As such, you should adjust your current diet, such as avoiding overly processed or fatty foods and ensuring you eat plenty of fruit and veg.

If you find it hard to track your calories or prepare balanced meals, you may benefit from trying our weight-loss soups and shakes.

Similarly, it would help if you also aimed to increase your protein intake. This is because protein is incredibly satiating, meaning you'll feel fuller for longer after eating a meal. Protein also helps increase muscle mass, which can reduce the appearance of an apron belly.

Final Thoughts.

Both men and women deal with the apron belly or the appearance of an overhanging stomach. While there are many potential causes, from pregnancy to hormonal imbalances, working to reduce this is key to bettering both your physical and mental health. After all, excess fat is linked to numerous health complications, including Type 2 diabetes and metabolic disease.

Fortunately, there are many different routes that you can pursue to reduce the appearance of an apron belly, all of which will have a similarly positive influence on your overall health. This includes the use of weight loss aids such as Mounjaro and Wegovy.

If you'd like to learn more about these medications, please do not hesitate to get in touch today. We'd be happy to discuss your options with you in more detail so that you can take the next step toward good health.


[1] Body image report - Executive Summary. Mental Health Foundation. Retrieved 9 July 2024. Accessible here.

[2] Buer, L., Kvalem, I.L., Bardstu, S., et al. (2022) Comparing Bariatric Surgery Patients Who Desire, Have Undergone, or Have No Desire for Body Contouring Surgery: a 5-Year Prospective Study of Body Image and Mental Health. Obesity Surgery. (32):P2952-2959. Accessible here

[3]  St-Onge, M. P., & Gallagher, D. (2010). Body composition changes with aging: the cause or the result of alterations in metabolic rate and macronutrient oxidation? Nutrition 26(2):P152–155. Accessible here.

[4] Taking aim at belly fat. Harvard Health Foundation. Retrieved 3 July 2024. Accessible here.

[5] Wilding, John P.H, Batterham, Rachel L., Calanna, Salvatore., et al. (2021)  Once-Weekly Semaglutide in Adults with Overweight or Obesity. The New England Journal of Medicine. 384(11). Accessible here

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