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Ready to put type 2 diabetes into remission?

With nearly 5 million people in the UK living with diabetes, it’s never been more important to talk about the world-changing discovery of type 2 diabetes reversal—and what it takes to get there. 

We’ve written this guide to help you with exactly that. You’ll understand what type 2 diabetes remission means and find expert advice on how to achieve it. Diabetes remission is a new discovery for researchers, doctors, and patients alike, so take your time, ask questions, and above all, have hope: type 2 diabetes remission is real.

Download your free guide to get:

  • Clear advice based on the latest scientific research
  • Practical tips to make your journey to diabetes remission a success
  • A summary of the evidence for different remission strategies
  • Expert advice on how to build sustainable, healthy habits to keep you in remission over the long-term

All your questions answered

Can type 2 diabetes be reversed without medication?

An increasing number of scientific studies have confirmed that with enough weight loss, the process underlying type 2 diabetes can be put into remission without the help of medication.

Is diabetes reversal permanent?

Research into type 2 diabetes reversal is ongoing so while we don’t have a final answer on its permanence just yet, we do know that by maintaining weight loss, the body should be able to regulate blood sugar itself.

How is diabetes reversal measured?

Type 2 diabetes reversal is officially in remission when HbA1c levels drop to below 6.5% (48mmol/mol) and stay there for 3 months without the help of medication.

How much weight loss does it take to reverse diabetes?

Research suggests that reversing type 2 diabetes is more likely with a weight loss of 15kg or more.

Does weight loss help reverse diabetes?

Yes! With substantial weight loss, the internal fat round the pancreas and liver (the organs in charge of blood sugar control) disappears and as a result, they regain the ability to control blood glucose levels naturally.